Selected 2015 pensions for NVPERS
Viewing “Judicial Retirement System” retiree pension records
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Note: Names were added by NPRI for those entries it believed were uniquely identifiable. Amounts reflect an annualized amount received for the 2015-16 fiscal year.

Name Job Title/Employer/Pension Pension Benefits Disability Years of
Year of
Total pension &
benefits amount
Samuel Perry Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$26,996.40 Not provided $0.00 6.83 2011 $26,996.40
Noel Manoukian Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$26,372.28 Not provided $0.00 12.98 1985 $26,372.28
Mills Lane Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$23,069.16 Not provided $0.00 7.32 1998 $23,069.16
Robert Lueck Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$22,076.88 Not provided $0.00 5.99 2013 $22,076.88
Nicholas Delvecchio Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$20,430.24 Not provided $0.00 8.41 2008 $20,430.24
John Iroz Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$12,679.08 Not provided $0.00 6.00 2009 $12,679.08
Betty Redmon Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$7,720.80 Not provided $0.00 3.00 2000 $7,720.80
Gerard Bongiovanni Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$6,667.08 Not provided $0.00 7.00 1997 $6,667.08
Susan Sobel Employer: Judicial Retirement System
Pension: NVPERS, 2015
$6,481.08 Not provided $0.00 12.03 2003 $6,481.08