Selected 2014 pensions for NVPERS
Viewing “State Board of Architecture” retiree pension records
3 records found

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Note: The 2014 PERS report did not include names. NPRI used a combination of other records to re-attach names for those entries it believed were uniquely identifiable.

Name Job Title/Employer/Pension Pension Benefits Disability Years of
Year of
Total pension &
benefits amount
Gloria Armendariz Employer: State Board of Architecture
Pension: NVPERS, 2014
$48,964.08 Not provided $0.00 19.04 2000 $48,964.08
Rebecca Gaul Employer: State Board of Architecture
Pension: NVPERS, 2014
$38,957.52 Not provided $0.00 28.63 2010 $38,957.52
Vicki Knopf Employer: State Board of Architecture
Pension: NVPERS, 2014
$15,581.52 Not provided $0.00 12.24 2008 $15,581.52