2010 salaries for Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority
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Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total
Total pay &
Ellen Oppenheim President/CEO
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$234,900.00 Not provided $4,980.00 $243,048.00 $64,629.01 $307,677.01
Joseph Kelley VP of Facilities
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$168,636.53 Not provided $19,700.00 $189,125.89 $53,863.86 $242,989.75
Tim Smith VP Finance
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$174,371.26 Not provided $7,200.00 $182,393.74 $55,259.29 $237,653.03
Ralph Witsell Exec Dir Trvl Ind Sales
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$123,088.64 Not provided $4,800.00 $130,814.72 $42,766.09 $173,580.81
John House General Manager RSLEC
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$101,479.69 Not provided $7,200.00 $109,102.09 $30,437.88 $139,539.97
Robyn Nichols Director of Nat'l Accts
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$95,684.18 Not provided $2,500.00 $98,184.18 $27,165.26 $125,349.44
Joseph Walther Assistant General Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$89,435.85 Not provided $0.00 $89,435.85 $28,530.20 $117,966.05
Terrence Schumacher Travel Industry Sales Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$84,861.23 Not provided $0.00 $84,861.23 $31,481.83 $116,343.06
Robert Thomas Operations Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$81,298.89 Not provided $0.00 $81,298.89 $27,163.79 $108,462.68
Rick Saake Internet Marketing Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$76,442.30 Not provided $0.00 $76,442.30 $29,677.69 $106,119.99
Stephen Markwell Operations Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$81,298.89 Not provided $0.00 $81,298.89 $24,069.82 $105,368.71
Valorie Bush Nat'l Conv Sales Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$78,435.79 Not provided $0.00 $78,435.79 $26,497.30 $104,933.09
Brian Rivers Accounting Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$76,204.17 Not provided $0.00 $76,204.17 $25,989.33 $102,193.50
Adam Feehan Travel Industry Sales Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$72,365.42 Not provided $0.00 $72,365.42 $28,804.18 $101,169.60
John Morris Jr A/V Bowling Maint Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$71,117.27 Not provided $0.00 $71,117.27 $29,109.24 $100,226.51
Leslie Hastings Director of Nat'l Accts
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$77,915.98 Not provided $0.00 $77,915.98 $21,156.66 $99,072.64
Eric Huzarski Operations Mgr/Head Pro
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$73,280.72 Not provided $0.00 $73,280.72 $22,351.82 $95,632.54
Edward Fulkerson IT Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$71,969.75 Not provided $0.00 $71,969.75 $22,071.87 $94,041.62
Allyson Hutson Asst Director Marketing
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$68,052.13 Not provided $0.00 $68,052.13 $23,867.43 $91,919.56
Rhonda Eaton Event Services Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$63,728.14 Not provided $0.00 $63,728.14 $27,219.34 $90,947.48
Gordon Forrester Tax Audit Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$67,317.12 Not provided $0.00 $67,317.12 $21,074.19 $88,391.31
Tracy Legarza Sr. Event Coordinator
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$66,715.80 Not provided $0.00 $66,715.80 $20,945.32 $87,661.12
Jerry Hanneman Facility Maintenance Mgr.
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$64,999.44 Not provided $0.00 $64,999.44 $20,577.51 $85,576.95
Tammy Johnson Nat'l Conv Sales Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$65,895.66 Not provided $0.00 $65,895.66 $16,209.55 $82,105.21
James Allen Fac Vehicle Maint Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$62,006.05 Not provided $0.00 $62,006.05 $19,936.19 $81,942.24
Charlotte Anderson Assistant To CEO
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$59,076.90 Not provided $0.00 $59,076.90 $22,272.50 $81,349.40
Karen Barnes Assistant Rm Tax Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$58,746.60 Not provided $0.00 $58,746.60 $21,954.25 $80,700.85
Frank Yerxa Building Engineering Supv
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$60,770.06 Not provided $0.00 $60,770.06 $19,922.38 $80,692.44
JoAnne Hunsicker Nat'l Conv Sales Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$61,827.25 Not provided $0.00 $61,827.25 $17,539.33 $79,366.58
Robb Carroll A/V Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$54,208.10 Not provided $0.00 $54,208.10 $24,912.65 $79,120.75
Jack Nicholson Mechanic
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$53,242.29 $1,172.51 $0.00 $54,414.80 $24,670.32 $79,085.12
Jose Martinez Golf Superintendent WC/NG
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$59,556.10 Not provided $0.00 $59,556.10 $19,411.88 $78,967.98
Alexa Anacker Trvl Indust Sales Coord
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$58,619.91 Not provided $0.00 $58,619.91 $19,211.42 $77,831.33
Jill Stockton Communications Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$57,536.59 Not provided $0.00 $57,536.59 $18,329.13 $75,865.72
Rebecca Flanders-Venis Special Events Manager
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$53,475.33 Not provided $0.00 $53,475.33 $19,473.15 $72,948.48
Joseph Conforti Box Office Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$48,396.71 Not provided $0.00 $48,396.71 $23,646.15 $72,042.86
John Leinen VP Convention Sales
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$53,938.95 Not provided $6,800.00 $60,771.15 $11,196.35 $71,967.50
Patrick Ivey Building Engr. Spec.
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$53,043.20 $9.60 $0.00 $53,052.80 $18,103.61 $71,156.41
Michael Thomas Exec Director Marketing
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$51,345.67 Not provided $2,400.00 $53,830.67 $15,802.13 $69,632.80
Jennifer Cunningham Exec Director Marketing
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$53,076.92 Not provided $2,000.00 $55,164.32 $14,377.82 $69,542.14
James Follette Sr. Tax Auditor
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$48,438.00 Not provided $0.00 $48,438.00 $19,765.59 $68,203.59
Katherine Rusche Sales Coordinator
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$50,584.82 Not provided $0.00 $50,584.82 $17,475.93 $68,060.75
Jeffrey Jensen Accountant
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$50,405.34 Not provided $0.00 $50,405.34 $17,440.39 $67,845.73
Bonnie Kriens Convention Services Mgr
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$49,734.16 Not provided $0.00 $49,734.16 $17,288.84 $67,023.00
Albert Catapia Pinsetter Mechanic Supv
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$45,783.92 $2,037.46 $0.00 $47,821.38 $19,116.35 $66,937.73
Gerald Dufva Facility Services Supv
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$50,822.80 Not provided $0.00 $50,822.80 $15,588.27 $66,411.07
Steven Craig Facility Services Supv
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$42,784.85 $723.60 $0.00 $43,508.45 $22,435.79 $65,944.24
Laura Tadman Sr. Accounting Tech
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$46,176.94 Not provided $0.00 $46,176.94 $19,227.19 $65,404.13
Lori Mauer Exec Sales Administrator
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$48,357.72 Not provided $0.00 $48,357.72 $16,986.65 $65,344.37
Wendy Brink Sales Manager II
Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitor's Authority, 2010
$48,000.01 Not provided $0.00 $48,000.01 $17,110.78 $65,110.79