Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
Business and Finance Services - Bookkeeper II | 2 | $46,408.75 | $0.00 | $241.68 | $46,650.43 | $18,503.27 | $65,153.70 |
Business and Finance Services - Bookkeeper III | 2 | $51,704.70 | $1,526.65 | $539.98 | $53,771.32 | $19,913.62 | $73,684.94 |
Business and Finance Services - Finance Supervisor | 1 | $59,952.00 | $8,148.03 | $2,292.63 | $70,392.66 | $22,547.70 | $92,940.36 |
Food Service - Food Service Cook | 1 | $30,385.49 | $0.00 | $81.60 | $30,467.09 | $9,420.52 | $39,887.61 |
French Ford Middle School - Aide - Computer | 1 | $30,374.40 | $0.00 | $182.96 | $30,557.36 | $12,868.56 | $43,425.92 |
French Ford Middle School - Counselor | 1 | $53,027.36 | $0.00 | $520.85 | $53,548.21 | $20,223.99 | $73,772.20 |
French Ford Middle School - Dean of Students | 1 | $69,785.96 | $0.00 | $3,948.93 | $73,734.89 | $24,266.24 | $98,001.13 |
French Ford Middle School - NNRPDP Coordinator | 1 | $81,199.02 | $0.00 | $401.25 | $81,600.27 | $19,015.51 | $100,615.78 |
French Ford Middle School - Secretary - 12 Month | 1 | $39,411.00 | $0.00 | $199.98 | $39,610.98 | $16,890.79 | $56,501.77 |
French Ford Middle School - Teacher | 22 | $59,001.82 | $0.00 | $1,448.05 | $60,449.87 | $21,419.98 | $81,869.85 |
Grass Valley Elementary School - Custodian | 3 | $40,972.92 | $0.00 | $205.96 | $41,178.87 | $17,255.33 | $58,434.21 |
Grass Valley Elementary School - Principal | 1 | $81,937.50 | $0.00 | $412.46 | $82,349.96 | $27,135.75 | $109,485.71 |
Grass Valley Elementary School - Secretary - 12 Month | 1 | $45,396.00 | $0.00 | $226.98 | $45,622.98 | $17,642.07 | $63,265.05 |
Grass Valley Elementary School - Teacher | 21 | $56,313.64 | $0.00 | $1,038.31 | $57,351.95 | $20,262.32 | $77,614.27 |
Health Services - Nurse | 1 | $53,575.44 | $0.00 | $273.90 | $53,849.34 | $20,351.73 | $74,201.07 |
Kings River School - Teacher | 1 | $40,690.08 | $0.00 | $491.97 | $41,182.05 | $17,278.82 | $58,460.87 |
Lowry High School - Counselor | 3 | $64,017.63 | $0.00 | $315.64 | $64,333.28 | $22,001.25 | $86,334.53 |
Lowry High School - Custodian | 3 | $37,756.09 | $36.29 | $189.87 | $37,982.26 | $16,458.19 | $54,440.45 |
Lowry High School - Principal | 1 | $101,037.50 | $0.00 | $507.96 | $101,545.46 | $31,746.20 | $133,291.66 |
Lowry High School - Retiree | 1 | $36,001.68 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $36,001.68 | $15,443.82 | $51,445.50 |
Lowry High School - Secretary - 12 Month | 2 | $38,623.50 | $0.00 | $194.58 | $38,818.08 | $14,305.46 | $53,123.54 |
Lowry High School - Secretary - 9 Month | 1 | $30,696.59 | $0.00 | $157.35 | $30,853.94 | $7,943.82 | $38,797.76 |
Lowry High School - Teacher | 39 | $57,978.00 | $0.00 | $3,527.39 | $61,505.39 | $21,217.44 | $82,722.83 |
Lowry High School - Teacher | 1 | $55,370.00 | $0.00 | $1,820.55 | $57,190.55 | $20,783.65 | $77,974.20 |
Lowry High School - Vice Principal | 2 | $88,133.76 | $0.00 | $446.74 | $88,580.50 | $28,602.72 | $117,183.22 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Bus Foreman | 1 | $39,802.15 | $0.00 | $1,242.47 | $41,044.62 | $16,877.07 | $57,921.69 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Bus Service Worker | 1 | $37,819.00 | $0.00 | $191.76 | $38,010.76 | $16,386.19 | $54,396.95 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Bus Shop Mechanic | 2 | $55,212.00 | $174.83 | $276.06 | $55,662.89 | $20,221.62 | $75,884.51 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Director of Maintenance & Transportation | 1 | $57,982.36 | $1,431.38 | $459.18 | $59,872.92 | $21,436.92 | $81,309.84 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Groundskeeper | 3 | $41,191.00 | $0.00 | $205.96 | $41,396.96 | $15,055.47 | $56,452.43 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Maintenance - General | 4 | $39,539.62 | $0.00 | $542.82 | $40,082.44 | $16,749.66 | $56,832.10 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Maintenance - HVAC Technician | 1 | $37,508.66 | $473.26 | $190.20 | $38,172.12 | $16,453.03 | $54,625.15 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Secretary - Admin II | 1 | $47,473.50 | $0.00 | $248.58 | $47,722.08 | $18,821.18 | $66,543.26 |
Maintenance & Transportation - Teacher | 5 | $52,650.83 | $0.00 | $6,494.30 | $59,145.13 | $20,357.44 | $79,502.58 |
McDermitt Combined Schools - Counselor | 1 | $51,862.34 | $0.00 | $8,495.90 | $60,358.24 | $19,366.68 | $79,724.92 |
McDermitt Combined Schools - Custodian | 2 | $36,239.64 | $0.00 | $7,035.51 | $43,275.15 | $15,941.22 | $59,216.37 |
McDermitt Combined Schools - Secretary - 12 Month | 2 | $32,677.50 | $0.00 | $920.59 | $33,598.10 | $13,461.59 | $47,059.68 |
McDermitt Combined Schools - Teacher | 10 | $54,327.12 | $0.00 | $4,287.99 | $58,615.11 | $20,613.93 | $79,229.04 |
None | 1 | $69,599.00 | $0.00 | $4,098.00 | $73,697.00 | $24,200.44 | $97,897.44 |
Orovada School - Principal | 1 | $91,535.52 | $0.00 | $430.45 | $91,965.97 | $28,124.03 | $120,090.00 |
Orovada School - Teacher | 1 | $53,263.32 | $0.00 | $522.04 | $53,785.36 | $20,266.00 | $74,051.36 |
Paradise Valley School - Principal | 1 | $107,229.53 | $0.00 | $511.56 | $107,741.09 | $33,023.25 | $140,764.34 |
Paradise Valley School - Teacher | 2 | $55,806.16 | $0.00 | $550.39 | $56,356.55 | $17,442.17 | $73,798.72 |
Retiree | 13 | $52,867.41 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $52,867.41 | $14,377.72 | $67,245.14 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Custodian | 2 | $39,858.88 | $87.07 | $238.99 | $40,184.94 | $17,005.00 | $57,189.94 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Principal | 1 | $87,473.52 | $0.00 | $440.14 | $87,913.66 | $28,381.49 | $116,295.15 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Retiree | 2 | $62,789.70 | $0.00 | $2,378.92 | $65,168.62 | $19,732.01 | $84,900.63 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Secretary - 12 Month | 1 | $45,396.00 | $0.00 | $226.98 | $45,622.98 | $18,303.68 | $63,926.66 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Teacher | 23 | $61,417.01 | $0.00 | $674.23 | $62,091.24 | $21,618.30 | $83,709.54 |
Sonoma Heights Elementary School - Teacher | 1 | $52,856.36 | $0.00 | $520.00 | $53,376.36 | $20,183.11 | $73,559.47 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.