2012 salaries for Henderson
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Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total
Total pay &
Robinson, Randy H Business Services Manager
Henderson, 2012
$101,506.00 $0.00 $69,576.02 $171,082.02 $75,367.05 $246,449.07
Bejarano, Joe L Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$9,291.63 $0.00 $0.00 $9,291.63 $0.00 $9,291.63
Fallon, Patrick Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$760.73 $0.00 $0.00 $760.73 $0.00 $760.73
Griffin-Ramirez, Katrina M Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$6,406.42 $38.16 $0.00 $6,444.58 $0.00 $6,444.58
Lyons, Jennifer L Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$4,086.07 $61.07 $0.00 $4,147.14 $0.00 $4,147.14
Newmarker, Andrea R Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$68.69 $0.00 $0.00 $68.69 $0.00 $68.69
Ramey, Robert J Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$4,404.08 $0.00 $0.00 $4,404.08 $0.00 $4,404.08
Stillwell, Kelley G Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$837.05 $0.00 $0.00 $837.05 $0.00 $837.05
Sullivan, Christine A Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$984.63 $19.08 $0.00 $1,003.71 $0.00 $1,003.71
Terrance, William J Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$5,839.06 $0.00 $0.00 $5,839.06 $0.00 $5,839.06
Vanderet, James K Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$3,086.17 $0.00 $0.00 $3,086.17 $0.00 $3,086.17
Wagman, Lawrence S Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$2,638.39 $3.82 $0.00 $2,642.21 $0.00 $2,642.21
Zerbian, Larry D Bus Operator
Henderson, 2012
$3,444.91 $0.00 $0.00 $3,444.91 $0.00 $3,444.91
Raphiel, Kevin T Bus Operator-PE
Henderson, 2012
$19,621.24 $278.59 $0.00 $19,899.83 $3,730.67 $23,630.50
Thrower, Roselle A Bus Operator-PE
Henderson, 2012
$9,444.24 $0.00 $0.00 $9,444.24 $861.07 $10,305.31
Vogt, Daniel W Bus Operator-PE
Henderson, 2012
$7,113.19 $0.00 $0.00 $7,113.19 $877.37 $7,990.56
Fuhriman, Scott L Carpenter/Painter
Henderson, 2012
$71,979.81 $1,344.16 $1,020.00 $74,343.97 $26,851.26 $101,195.23
Oatley, Donald M Carpenter/Painter
Henderson, 2012
$71,979.78 $1,038.17 $1,020.00 $74,037.95 $26,851.26 $100,889.21
Alvarez, Victor Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$62,237.44 $541.05 $5,340.19 $68,118.68 $25,416.78 $93,535.46
Dong, Braden C Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$5,746.29 $0.00 $478.86 $6,225.15 $2,697.96 $8,923.11
Gallegos, Mary E Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$60,558.72 $3,215.17 $5,871.07 $69,644.96 $24,682.43 $94,327.39
Haffeman, Janiece L Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$18,351.54 $35.57 $1,161.79 $19,548.90 $8,558.61 $28,107.51
Harmon, Steven D Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$43,149.91 $8,576.28 $3,696.36 $55,422.55 $18,246.72 $73,669.27
McGowan Allen, Denitra Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$41,835.64 $7,511.54 $7,108.57 $56,455.75 $17,973.13 $74,428.88
Perez, Elizabeth Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$58,504.84 $10,071.63 $6,790.04 $75,366.51 $24,167.93 $99,534.44
Peterson, Lesa L Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$8,820.12 $0.00 $284.52 $9,104.64 $3,720.76 $12,825.40
Todd Sr, Anthony D Central Control Room Operator
Henderson, 2012
$58,537.47 $21,507.43 $6,591.34 $86,636.24 $24,686.42 $111,322.66
Albarran, Alexander J Chemist
Henderson, 2012
$70,065.11 $1,464.44 $1,377.69 $72,907.24 $27,677.17 $100,584.41
Coffin, Deborah A Chemist
Henderson, 2012
$80,201.94 $444.44 $1,542.34 $82,188.72 $26,886.41 $109,075.13
Sanchez, OscarJames G Chemist
Henderson, 2012
$52,282.40 $1,265.71 $2,470.87 $56,018.98 $19,839.42 $75,858.40
Smith, Rita A Chemist
Henderson, 2012
$68,104.13 $2,253.01 $1,312.10 $71,669.24 $23,836.54 $95,505.78
Veron, Warner L Chemist
Henderson, 2012
$80,201.91 $213.09 $0.00 $80,415.00 $30,006.39 $110,421.39
Scow, Howard L Chief Court Marshal
Henderson, 2012
$125,453.50 $0.00 $4,453.82 $129,907.32 $61,274.24 $191,181.56
Fucci, Laura L Chief Information Officer
Henderson, 2012
$16,199.83 $0.00 $1,215.63 $17,415.46 $4,007.83 $21,423.29
Jacobs, Mark A Chief Marshal Alt Sentencing
Henderson, 2012
$125,453.54 $0.00 $0.00 $125,453.54 $61,274.24 $186,727.78
Chambers, Jutta G Chief of Police
Henderson, 2012
$45,440.54 $0.00 $426,092.30 $471,532.84 $22,370.42 $493,903.26
Moers, Patrick E Chief of Police
Henderson, 2012
$173,024.50 $0.00 $2,340.00 $175,364.50 $80,654.75 $256,019.25
Olson, Gregory L Chief Of Public Works Inspect
Henderson, 2012
$117,685.21 $0.00 $0.00 $117,685.21 $38,358.44 $156,043.65
Hobaica, Mark F City Architect
Henderson, 2012
$144,053.06 $0.00 $0.00 $144,053.06 $44,881.84 $188,934.90
Reid, Josh M City Attorney
Henderson, 2012
$193,822.37 $0.00 $0.00 $193,822.37 $55,575.10 $249,397.47
Conner Jr, Donald F City Attorney Investigator
Henderson, 2012
$38,838.23 $29.48 $0.00 $38,867.71 $18,851.68 $57,719.39
LoBianco, Joseph R City Attorney Investigator
Henderson, 2012
$53,595.87 $0.00 $0.00 $53,595.87 $22,502.86 $76,098.73
West, Dennis C City Attorney Investigator
Henderson, 2012
$26,260.43 $0.00 $0.00 $26,260.43 $4,250.64 $30,511.07
Sheesley, Polly A City Auditor
Henderson, 2012
$117,685.25 $0.00 $0.00 $117,685.25 $39,279.80 $156,965.05
Mercadante, Sabrina City Clerk
Henderson, 2012
$155,482.14 $0.00 $0.00 $155,482.14 $48,630.66 $204,112.80
Hagen, James A City Maintenance Electrician
Henderson, 2012
$27,806.33 $3,173.55 $425.00 $31,404.88 $10,262.49 $41,667.37
Herrell, Richard A City Maintenance Electrician
Henderson, 2012
$68,239.85 $13,253.62 $2,555.11 $84,048.58 $25,963.01 $110,011.59
Laymon, Mark A City Maintenance Electrician
Henderson, 2012
$71,979.81 $11,665.74 $1,856.00 $85,501.55 $27,275.17 $112,776.72
Villa, Bert R City Maintenance Electrician
Henderson, 2012
$71,979.80 $6,201.68 $2,750.29 $80,931.77 $26,851.25 $107,783.02
Calhoun, Mark T City Manager
Henderson, 2012
$90,865.39 $0.00 $243,662.71 $334,528.10 $31,210.66 $365,738.76