Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
Program Assistant | 1 | $34,006.26 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $34,006.26 | $10,070.99 | $44,077.25 |
Finance Manager, AIS | 1 | $33,181.47 | $114.11 | $0.00 | $33,295.58 | $11,603.17 | $44,898.75 |
Assistant Planner | 1 | $42,631.16 | $133.64 | $0.00 | $42,764.80 | $12,552.62 | $55,317.42 |
Executive Assistant | 2 | $42,171.68 | $104.92 | $0.00 | $42,276.60 | $13,311.16 | $55,587.76 |
Director, HR and Organizational Development | 1 | $48,388.40 | $0.00 | $120.00 | $48,508.40 | $9,687.99 | $58,196.39 |
Associate Transportation Planner | 3 | $44,342.31 | $874.98 | $80.00 | $45,297.29 | $13,288.46 | $58,585.75 |
Customer Service Assistant | 1 | $45,835.79 | $224.60 | $0.00 | $46,060.39 | $16,460.06 | $62,520.45 |
Program Manager Specialist | 1 | $49,924.40 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $49,924.40 | $13,245.79 | $63,170.19 |
Sr. Accountant | 1 | $52,405.24 | $1,421.98 | $0.00 | $53,827.22 | $11,427.63 | $65,254.85 |
Sr. Graphic Designer and Project Manager | 1 | $49,294.19 | $1,149.30 | $0.00 | $50,443.49 | $17,152.82 | $67,596.31 |
Associate Environmental Specialist | 4 | $52,946.44 | $72.33 | $360.00 | $53,378.77 | $15,349.28 | $68,728.04 |
Grant Specialist | 1 | $52,999.10 | $1,522.25 | $0.00 | $54,521.35 | $16,460.23 | $70,981.58 |
IT Program Mgr | 2 | $56,679.47 | $367.38 | $0.00 | $57,046.86 | $16,264.56 | $73,311.41 |
Associate Attorney | 1 | $62,857.62 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $63,217.62 | $13,890.61 | $77,108.23 |
Executive Assistant /Secretary to the Board | 1 | $59,643.99 | $671.28 | $360.00 | $60,675.27 | $18,673.10 | $79,348.37 |
Associate Planner | 2 | $65,093.60 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $65,093.60 | $17,811.08 | $82,904.68 |
Senior Planner | 4 | $68,941.96 | $469.00 | $0.00 | $69,410.95 | $15,141.28 | $84,552.24 |
GIS Manager | 1 | $70,894.96 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $70,894.96 | $15,206.72 | $86,101.68 |
Principal Planning Analyst & Program Manager | 1 | $71,633.67 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $71,633.67 | $15,083.55 | $86,717.22 |
Controller | 1 | $71,759.04 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $72,119.04 | $15,823.12 | $87,942.16 |
Principal Transportation Planner | 1 | $69,031.98 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $69,031.98 | $21,761.97 | $90,793.95 |
Stormwater/EIP Program Manager | 1 | $76,513.25 | $955.56 | $0.00 | $77,468.81 | $15,907.32 | $93,376.13 |
Code Compliance Program Manager | 1 | $74,344.00 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $74,704.00 | $19,694.44 | $94,398.44 |
Acting Program Manager Sustainable Communities | 1 | $75,058.68 | $3,484.72 | $0.00 | $78,543.40 | $16,016.34 | $94,559.74 |
Forestry /EIP Program Manager | 1 | $76,441.60 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $76,801.60 | $20,257.70 | $97,059.30 |
Aquatic Invasive Species/EIP Program Manager | 1 | $81,452.80 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $81,812.80 | $16,305.16 | $98,117.96 |
Senior Transportation Planner | 1 | $81,945.48 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $81,945.48 | $16,348.75 | $98,294.23 |
Research & Analysis Division Manager | 1 | $87,963.21 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $88,323.21 | $16,936.12 | $105,259.33 |
Long Range Planning Division Manager | 1 | $84,617.57 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $84,617.57 | $23,280.26 | $107,897.83 |
Principal Planner | 2 | $86,472.36 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $86,832.36 | $22,088.42 | $108,920.79 |
Finance Director | 1 | $91,852.80 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $92,212.80 | $17,288.85 | $109,501.65 |
Acting Division Manager, Environmental Improvement Manager | 1 | $91,832.00 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $92,192.00 | $18,431.30 | $110,623.30 |
Current Planning Division Manager | 1 | $94,570.11 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $94,570.11 | $17,555.83 | $112,125.94 |
Chief Operating Officer | 1 | $106,342.40 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $106,702.40 | $10,379.30 | $117,081.70 |
Transportation Planning Division Manager | 1 | $92,697.97 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $93,057.97 | $24,054.25 | $117,112.22 |
Chief, External Affairs | 1 | $114,122.40 | $0.00 | $1,440.00 | $115,562.40 | $24,005.55 | $139,567.95 |
General Counsel | 1 | $143,998.43 | $0.00 | $360.00 | $144,358.43 | $22,231.73 | $166,590.16 |
Executive Director | 1 | $149,115.20 | $0.00 | $720.00 | $149,835.20 | $22,669.43 | $172,504.63 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.