Job title summary for Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Battalion Chief 3 $77,071.22 $20,219.67 $23,560.33 $120,851.22 $54,092.81 $174,944.03
Fire Captain 4 $59,776.34 $19,544.06 $19,929.37 $99,249.76 $42,111.00 $141,360.76
Fire Chief 1 $125,598.24 $0.00 $18,935.10 $144,533.34 $74,340.38 $218,873.72
Office Supervisor 1 $55,667.90 $286.96 $18,220.59 $74,175.45 $19,518.34 $93,693.79
Firefighter-Paramedic 10 $52,533.58 $17,367.10 $13,270.44 $83,171.11 $40,311.53 $123,482.64
Budget Technician 1 $35,179.65 $47.56 $12,673.08 $47,900.29 $15,732.94 $63,633.23
Firefighter-EMT 3 $47,799.27 $15,649.64 $7,254.58 $70,703.49 $31,856.70 $102,560.19
Assistant Chief 1 $45,886.32 $0.00 $3,382.16 $49,268.48 $21,492.58 $70,761.06

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.