Job title summary for Southern Nevada Health District

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
CHN Supervisor 6 $78,189.00 $0.00 $16,775.24 $94,964.24 $24,871.73 $119,835.97
Chief Health Officer 1 $221,458.78 $0.00 $28,340.54 $249,799.32 $64,383.45 $314,182.77
Central Supply Asst 3 $46,148.42 $3.34 $11,372.96 $57,524.72 $15,261.86 $72,786.58
CD Prev&Health Promo Mgr 1 $101,744.32 $0.00 $17,469.77 $119,214.09 $30,697.74 $149,911.83
Budget Analyst 1 $55,431.68 $0.00 $8,324.80 $63,756.48 $16,969.92 $80,726.40
Attorney 1 $123,905.84 $0.00 $25,118.56 $149,024.40 $36,963.65 $185,988.05
Associate Attorney 1 $77,501.37 $0.00 $15,062.16 $92,563.53 $23,679.22 $116,242.75
Apps Pgmr/Analyst II 3 $67,853.04 $0.00 $15,825.53 $83,678.57 $22,200.84 $105,879.41
APN 3 $60,501.81 $0.00 $16,870.18 $77,372.00 $19,966.47 $97,338.47
Admin Secretary 10 $49,387.67 $4.36 $12,298.26 $61,690.30 $16,374.48 $78,064.78
Admin Asst II 33 $41,405.10 $402.58 $9,913.07 $51,720.74 $13,416.74 $65,137.49
Admin Asst I 1 $30,508.18 $0.00 $11,049.21 $41,557.39 $11,062.85 $52,620.24
Admin Analyst 3 $69,665.59 $0.00 $17,046.48 $86,712.06 $22,741.77 $109,453.83
Acct Tech II 6 $41,322.58 $137.69 $8,539.27 $49,999.54 $13,256.84 $63,256.39
Accreditation Coordinator 1 $44,513.28 $0.00 $6,185.93 $50,699.21 $12,547.37 $63,246.58
Accounting Supervisor 1 $81,940.14 $0.00 $17,406.40 $99,346.54 $26,439.30 $125,785.84
Accountant II 4 $61,293.94 $2,653.88 $8,237.10 $72,184.93 $18,334.77 $90,519.70
Accountant I 1 $43,469.45 $0.00 $7,999.76 $51,469.21 $13,462.77 $64,931.98

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.