Job title summary for Southern Nevada Health District

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Database Admin 1 $65,301.57 $0.00 $19,934.35 $85,235.92 $22,678.83 $107,914.75
Health Records Supervisor 1 $82,639.13 $0.00 $20,287.28 $102,926.41 $26,636.37 $129,562.78
Sr Health Records Asst. 2 $41,737.04 $0.00 $20,816.30 $62,553.34 $16,102.90 $78,656.24
Disease Surveillance Supr 1 $79,173.34 $0.00 $21,149.12 $100,322.46 $26,633.92 $126,956.38
IT Manager 1 $76,958.88 $0.00 $21,225.40 $98,184.28 $25,180.14 $123,364.42
Dir Environmental Health 1 $99,910.24 $0.00 $21,865.28 $121,775.52 $31,129.08 $152,904.60
HR Analyst 4 $57,844.48 $0.00 $22,235.98 $80,080.46 $17,695.06 $97,775.52
Laboratory Manager 1 $101,109.52 $0.00 $24,209.72 $125,319.24 $30,759.34 $156,078.58
Attorney 1 $123,905.84 $0.00 $25,118.56 $149,024.40 $36,963.65 $185,988.05
Comm Diseases Manager 1 $84,481.00 $0.00 $25,528.05 $110,009.05 $28,283.25 $138,292.30
Maintenance Technician 2 $39,695.53 $1,107.90 $26,588.10 $67,391.54 $17,640.32 $85,031.86
Chief Health Officer 1 $221,458.78 $0.00 $28,340.54 $249,799.32 $64,383.45 $314,182.77
EH Manager 2 $82,542.50 $0.00 $30,142.52 $112,685.02 $29,013.59 $141,698.60
Sr Epidemiologist 2 $52,705.38 $0.00 $31,543.96 $84,249.34 $15,900.29 $100,149.63
PHP Nurse 1 $51,375.59 $0.00 $39,439.74 $90,815.33 $24,165.53 $114,980.86
Medical Epidemiologist 1 $114,696.14 $0.00 $46,135.14 $160,831.28 $33,813.86 $194,645.14
Dir Clinics & Nursing 1 $112,741.10 $0.00 $50,604.47 $163,345.57 $42,132.48 $205,478.05
EMS & TS Manager 2 $61,925.12 $0.00 $53,480.08 $115,405.20 $18,381.45 $133,786.65

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.