Job title summary for University of Nevada, Reno

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Library Technician I 7 $42,153.75 $0.00 $180.19 $42,333.94 $13,678.08 $56,012.02
Microbiologist Iii 7 $63,428.83 $183.92 $1,377.85 $64,990.60 $16,029.80 $81,020.40
Professor Geological Sciences 7 $116,756.75 $0.00 $9,806.92 $126,563.68 $24,231.10 $150,794.78
It Professional Ii 8 $61,661.16 $1,931.16 $1,518.22 $65,110.55 $20,837.77 $85,948.31
Asst Prof Surgery 8 $230,171.18 $0.00 $0.00 $230,171.18 $33,038.73 $263,209.91
Temp Faculty-Resch 8 $49,307.74 $0.00 $4,431.83 $53,739.58 $8,736.74 $62,476.31
Assoc Prof English 8 $71,122.57 $0.00 $3,683.95 $74,806.51 $15,174.73 $89,981.24
Professor Education 9 $110,502.29 $0.00 $9,610.77 $120,113.07 $22,744.17 $142,857.23
Professor Mathematics 9 $90,858.91 $0.00 $5,009.33 $95,868.25 $19,324.94 $115,193.19
Lab Techn I 9 $34,519.39 $3.38 $0.00 $34,522.77 $11,895.67 $46,418.44
Professor Psychology 9 $125,936.18 $0.00 $14,694.31 $140,630.49 $24,550.82 $165,181.31
Resch Scientist I 9 $50,677.19 $0.00 $0.00 $50,677.19 $12,120.76 $62,797.95
Program Officer Iii 9 $57,358.05 $184.27 $371.76 $57,914.08 $17,613.93 $75,528.01
Assoc Spec, Area Extension 9 $104,560.46 $0.00 $0.00 $104,560.46 $21,581.90 $126,142.36
Lecturer Mathmatics 9 $51,860.47 $0.00 $21,158.86 $73,019.32 $14,629.70 $87,649.02
Child Care Worker Ii 10 $35,875.87 $0.00 $0.00 $35,875.87 $11,310.15 $47,186.01
Asst Prof Mechanical Eng 10 $58,520.70 $0.00 $6,926.63 $65,447.33 $13,441.04 $78,888.37
Phy Asst/Adv Prac Reg Nurse 10 $84,329.15 $0.00 $30.00 $84,359.15 $22,520.74 $106,879.88
Asst Prof Fam & Community Med 10 $112,731.78 $0.00 $166.85 $112,898.63 $21,493.64 $134,392.27
Accounting Assistant Ii 10 $38,559.57 $494.68 $75.49 $39,129.75 $14,422.47 $53,552.22
Asst Prof Biology 10 $68,840.89 $0.00 $12,747.04 $81,587.94 $16,656.49 $98,244.43
Assoc Prof Surgery 11 $405,538.55 $0.00 $0.00 $405,538.55 $42,838.47 $448,377.02
Proj Coord, Casat 11 $44,657.80 $0.00 $1,367.27 $46,025.08 $11,880.37 $57,905.45
Executive Assistant 11 $44,279.32 $715.25 $994.66 $45,989.23 $15,818.32 $61,807.55
Proj Mgr, Casat 11 $68,174.01 $0.00 $3,267.57 $71,441.57 $17,053.48 $88,495.05
Prof Physiology & Cell Biology 11 $148,928.18 $0.00 $3,409.09 $152,337.27 $27,123.22 $179,460.49
Library Technician Ii 12 $39,524.93 $0.00 $1,693.22 $41,218.14 $13,847.30 $55,065.44
Univ Police Officer Ii 12 $50,499.17 $8,555.02 $3,477.58 $62,531.76 $23,099.04 $85,630.80
It Technician V 12 $50,216.41 $37.51 $280.00 $50,533.92 $16,712.20 $67,246.12
Dir, Development 12 $73,170.20 $0.00 $260.47 $73,430.67 $17,533.71 $90,964.38
Temp Faculty-Tch/Non Crdt 12 $54,871.30 $0.00 $0.00 $54,871.30 $0.00 $54,871.30
Assoc Prof Internal Medicine 13 $169,063.37 $0.00 $5,749.67 $174,813.04 $27,422.79 $202,235.83
Staff Research Assoc Iii 13 $50,487.60 $0.00 $801.83 $51,289.43 $14,881.82 $66,171.25
Lecturer English 13 $59,171.26 $0.00 $5,054.78 $64,226.04 $15,446.32 $79,672.35
Temp Faculty-Unsom 13 $68,597.12 $0.00 $3,099.07 $71,696.18 $8,837.95 $80,534.13
Accounting Assistant Iii 14 $37,151.07 $13.97 $0.00 $37,165.04 $13,639.81 $50,804.86
Accountant Technician I 14 $42,924.07 $1,114.60 $115.68 $44,154.35 $15,799.26 $59,953.61
Asst Prof Pediatrics 14 $134,545.54 $0.00 $4,572.00 $139,117.55 $24,148.39 $163,265.94
Resch Asst Prof 15 $63,005.83 $0.00 $2,870.15 $65,875.98 $15,051.05 $80,927.03
Lecturer World Lang & Lit 15 $49,840.70 $0.00 $3,774.38 $53,615.08 $13,808.94 $67,424.02
Hvacr Spec I 15 $50,086.20 $948.41 $1,356.74 $52,391.35 $16,168.15 $68,559.50
Community Based Instr Iii 15 $38,366.27 $242.17 $289.03 $38,897.47 $12,711.61 $51,609.07
Resch Asst Prof I (Som) 18 $51,766.20 $0.00 $1,000.00 $52,766.20 $13,145.79 $65,911.98
Program Officer Ii 19 $49,065.03 $988.37 $108.08 $50,161.48 $17,244.11 $67,405.60
Asst Prof Internal Medicine 22 $167,233.35 $0.00 $9,344.99 $176,578.34 $26,927.89 $203,506.23
Custodial Worker I 23 $35,324.00 $434.19 $1,095.73 $36,853.92 $13,263.18 $50,117.10
Asst Prof Nursing 23 $62,050.76 $0.00 $5,263.37 $67,314.13 $14,077.77 $81,391.90
Postdoctoral Scholar (Som) 23 $41,059.33 $0.00 $153.63 $41,212.96 $9,091.19 $50,304.15
Postdoctoral Scholar 26 $40,145.89 $0.00 $551.44 $40,697.33 $9,043.91 $49,741.24
Temp Faculty-Admin 27 $45,599.74 $87.37 $1,878.08 $47,565.19 $5,841.35 $53,406.54

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.