Job title summary for Central Lyon County Fire Protection District

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Battalion Chief 3 $80,518.97 $17,008.43 $30,925.46 $128,452.86 $59,010.22 $187,463.08
Assistant Chief 1 $101,090.40 $0.00 $16,317.54 $117,407.94 $54,465.72 $171,873.66
Fire Captain 4 $60,998.98 $23,068.64 $25,698.34 $109,765.95 $45,858.48 $155,624.43
Firefighter-Paramedic 10 $56,198.51 $20,244.79 $17,411.09 $93,854.39 $44,674.87 $138,529.26
Fire Chief 2 $68,859.26 $0.00 $13,221.26 $82,080.52 $41,321.53 $123,402.06
Firefighter-EMT 5 $43,355.11 $8,317.78 $10,184.50 $61,857.39 $29,641.07 $91,498.46
Office Supervisor 1 $61,579.09 $212.78 $16,763.62 $78,555.49 $22,891.77 $101,447.26
Budget Technician 1 $36,608.42 $16.66 $12,650.25 $49,275.33 $18,658.10 $67,933.43

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.