Job title summary for Truckee Meadows Water Authority

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
FOREMAN,SHF,W/T,WORKING 4 $94,066.82 $48,970.04 $660.00 $143,696.86 $37,582.84 $181,279.69
DIR OF DIST MAINT & GEN 1 $135,968.56 $0.00 $8,340.00 $144,308.56 $51,097.89 $195,406.45
MGR,WATER OP'S & QUALITY 1 $135,968.56 $0.00 $8,340.00 $144,308.56 $51,568.26 $195,876.82
DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING 1 $158,038.53 $0.00 $8,100.00 $166,138.53 $57,244.85 $223,383.38
GENERAL MANAGER OF TMWA 1 $189,002.97 $0.00 $10,800.00 $199,802.97 $68,825.63 $268,628.60

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.