Job title summary for Eureka County

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
DISPATCHER 1 $45,627.35 $6,550.00 $5,205.98 $57,383.33 $23,907.52 $81,290.85
DEPUTY I 1 $45,965.75 $6,870.96 $5,543.31 $58,380.02 $24,203.49 $82,583.51
CORRECTONAL SUPERVIS 1 $64,393.01 $8,693.31 $18,872.46 $91,958.78 $69,729.15 $161,687.93
CV TOWN UTIL WRK III 1 $56,042.86 $9,006.64 $7,420.18 $72,469.68 $32,576.08 $105,045.76
DEPUTY II 3 $49,837.79 $9,928.36 $6,589.97 $66,356.13 $46,039.81 $112,395.94
SHRF COMM SERGEANT 1 $64,378.24 $10,286.00 $19,379.94 $94,044.18 $45,219.32 $139,263.50
SERGEANT 1 $62,277.54 $14,429.17 $15,630.12 $92,336.83 $65,394.60 $157,731.43

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.