Job title summary for Southern Nevada Water Authority

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Customer Care Associate I 19 $45,939.06 $421.78 $2,040.92 $48,401.76 $19,937.54 $68,339.30
Secretary 20 $69,501.49 $157.27 $6,117.69 $75,776.44 $35,309.95 $111,086.40
Sr Planner Scheduler 20 $95,668.14 $3,644.65 $11,676.74 $110,989.54 $44,853.33 $155,842.86
Mechanical Systems Tech II 21 $88,201.63 $4,573.46 $6,217.30 $98,992.39 $43,207.03 $142,199.42
Custodian II 21 $50,888.17 $849.38 $3,794.64 $55,532.19 $27,076.78 $82,608.97
Security Officer II 22 $70,157.13 $6,300.42 $5,661.32 $82,118.88 $35,993.38 $118,112.25
Distribution Sys Svcperson II 28 $72,316.70 $4,039.07 $5,120.47 $81,476.24 $37,040.20 $118,516.43
Meter Services Field Rep II 30 $63,549.22 $1,444.31 $4,696.97 $69,690.49 $32,161.74 $101,852.24
Electrical/Ronics Syst Tech II 39 $88,401.33 $4,753.55 $6,168.01 $99,322.90 $40,698.57 $140,021.46
Customer Care Associate II 44 $65,823.72 $847.42 $4,834.82 $71,505.95 $34,204.22 $105,710.17

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.