Job title summary for Clark County School District

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
BLR TECH-ENT LEV 2 $51,491.60 $13,108.46 $3,376.08 $67,976.15 $24,497.38 $92,473.52
ML-HVACR 1 $73,801.20 $13,549.12 $2,663.47 $90,013.79 $31,724.25 $121,738.04
SCHOOL POLICE DET 6 $88,366.51 $14,182.25 $5,011.04 $107,559.80 $48,097.99 $155,657.80
ELECTRICIAN SUPV 1 $79,672.16 $15,086.07 $2,992.02 $97,750.25 $33,875.59 $131,625.84
SEC SYS SUPP TECH 2 $68,798.12 $15,112.90 $6,501.08 $90,412.10 $30,184.48 $120,596.58
SCHOOL POLICE OFF 129 $68,722.77 $15,210.50 $3,537.63 $87,470.90 $38,665.89 $126,136.80
SEC SYS DESGN MGR 2 $92,861.02 $19,937.61 $10,135.89 $122,934.52 $38,209.88 $161,144.40
SCH POL LEAD DISP 2 $60,700.40 $24,147.39 $7,812.20 $92,659.99 $29,395.03 $122,055.02
SCH POL SERGEANT 19 $92,143.11 $30,952.12 $5,566.98 $128,662.21 $50,231.85 $178,894.06
SEC SYS APPL MGR 1 $102,461.60 $38,833.57 $4,335.65 $145,630.82 $43,386.89 $189,017.71

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.