Paula Scotland
Associate Law Indexer
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$92,159.20 |
$2,611.74 |
$877.68 |
$95,648.62 |
$23,452.64 |
$119,101.26 |
Melissa K Bue
Associate Manager Technical Service ER
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$83,137.60 |
$11,684.11 |
$0.00 |
$94,821.71 |
$33,582.34 |
$128,404.05 |
Deborah A Anderson
Audit Secretary ER
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$54,901.60 |
$655.83 |
$491.40 |
$56,048.83 |
$25,466.95 |
$81,515.78 |
Diana Giovannoni
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$3,022.80 |
$0.00 |
$19,952.86 |
$22,975.66 |
$1,939.68 |
$24,915.34 |
Jane E Giovacchini
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$4,224.80 |
$0.00 |
$34,387.45 |
$38,612.25 |
$1,996.54 |
$40,608.79 |
Richard A Neil
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$26,602.94 |
$665.83 |
$0.00 |
$27,268.77 |
$3,133.20 |
$30,401.97 |
Sandra T Mcguirk
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$99,676.80 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$99,676.80 |
$38,420.10 |
$138,096.90 |
Shawn P Heusser
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$109,844.80 |
$907.95 |
$0.00 |
$110,752.75 |
$41,394.04 |
$152,146.79 |
Tammy A Goetze
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$109,844.80 |
$393.45 |
$0.00 |
$110,238.25 |
$41,394.04 |
$151,632.29 |
Todd C Peterson
Audit Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$109,844.80 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$109,844.80 |
$41,394.04 |
$151,238.84 |
Alicia Victoria Youngman
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$105.28 |
$0.00 |
$4.41 |
$109.69 |
$0.00 |
$109.69 |
Brian Llamas-Aranda
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$270.72 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$270.72 |
$760.79 |
$1,031.51 |
Cahirup J Vaughn
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$218.08 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$218.08 |
$0.00 |
$218.08 |
Daniel J King
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$310.86 |
$0.00 |
$7.00 |
$317.86 |
$0.00 |
$317.86 |
Jenae K Steele
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$270.72 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$270.72 |
$0.00 |
$270.72 |
Kenneth R Herndon
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$270.72 |
$0.00 |
$6.30 |
$277.02 |
$0.00 |
$277.02 |
Leanne N Lowe
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$105.28 |
$0.00 |
$4.41 |
$109.69 |
$0.00 |
$109.69 |
Marge M Breister
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$10,473.20 |
$3,319.14 |
$272.37 |
$14,064.71 |
$2,749.13 |
$16,813.84 |
Richard G Lapine
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$97.76 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$97.76 |
$0.00 |
$97.76 |
Ronald E Dehart
Bindery I
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$270.72 |
$0.00 |
$6.30 |
$277.02 |
$0.00 |
$277.02 |
Brenda Adrian
Bindery II
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$46,966.40 |
$3,661.62 |
$768.00 |
$51,396.02 |
$16,544.01 |
$67,940.03 |
Brian J Montes
Bindery II
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$451.98 |
$0.00 |
$1,474.96 |
$1,926.94 |
$0.00 |
$1,926.94 |
Ibran Z Garcia-Lopez
Bindery II
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$54,862.40 |
$1,036.50 |
$245.92 |
$56,144.82 |
$17,668.48 |
$73,813.30 |
Joshua C Hines
Bindery II
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$45,094.40 |
$2,097.83 |
$736.00 |
$47,928.23 |
$16,253.65 |
$64,181.88 |
James A Moss
Bindery III EE
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$549.54 |
$0.00 |
$13.80 |
$563.34 |
$0.00 |
$563.34 |
Jennifer Scaffidi
BPS Manager
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$59,368.80 |
$15,021.62 |
$1,106.64 |
$75,497.06 |
$26,953.68 |
$102,450.74 |
Anthony A Andazola
Building Maintenance Repair Specialist 1
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$61,511.20 |
$2,793.51 |
$555.44 |
$64,860.15 |
$18,729.65 |
$83,589.80 |
Jolanta Astronomo
Chief Accountant
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$95,472.00 |
$4,734.91 |
$0.00 |
$100,206.91 |
$37,190.10 |
$137,397.01 |
Susan Furlong
Chief Clerk of the Assembly
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$114,025.60 |
$37,484.06 |
$0.00 |
$151,509.66 |
$42,617.08 |
$194,126.74 |
Bradley A Wilkinson
Chief Deputy Leg Counsel
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$151,840.00 |
$37,084.00 |
$0.00 |
$188,924.00 |
$32,420.14 |
$221,344.14 |
Eileen G O'Grady
Chief Deputy Leg Counsel
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$151,840.00 |
$46,318.50 |
$0.00 |
$198,158.50 |
$32,420.14 |
$230,578.64 |
Shannon L Riedel
Chief Deputy Legislative Auditor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$120,619.20 |
$19,841.32 |
$0.00 |
$140,460.52 |
$44,545.76 |
$185,006.28 |
Asher A Killian
Chief Deputy Legislative Counsel
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$128,052.00 |
$17,314.56 |
$186.24 |
$145,552.80 |
$46,774.21 |
$192,327.01 |
Daniel E Rushin
Chief Financial Officer
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$37,178.24 |
$3,268.62 |
$0.00 |
$40,446.86 |
$14,791.14 |
$55,238.00 |
Risa L Lang
Chief Human Resources Counsel
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$133,068.10 |
$0.00 |
$37,694.94 |
$170,763.04 |
$36,090.84 |
$206,853.88 |
John E Drew
Chief Legislative Police
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$93,873.60 |
$8,346.78 |
$2,768.00 |
$104,988.38 |
$9,264.54 |
$114,252.92 |
John R Wilkerson
Chief of Administrative Division
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$126,651.20 |
$7,293.07 |
$1,814.54 |
$135,758.81 |
$46,310.12 |
$182,068.93 |
Alexander F Haartz
Chief Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$120,619.20 |
$28,449.18 |
$0.00 |
$149,068.38 |
$44,545.76 |
$193,614.14 |
Brody T Leiser
Chief Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$111,502.40 |
$17,017.30 |
$0.00 |
$128,519.70 |
$41,878.92 |
$170,398.62 |
Russell J Guindon
Chief Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$138,257.60 |
$21,768.93 |
$0.00 |
$160,026.53 |
$30,348.72 |
$190,375.25 |
Jennifer R Ruedy
Chief Principal Policy Analyst
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$115,107.20 |
$8,372.78 |
$0.00 |
$123,479.98 |
$42,933.50 |
$166,413.48 |
Kristi M Sobhe
Clerical Assistant EE/ER
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$2,712.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$2,712.00 |
$413.58 |
$3,125.58 |
Jasmine N Shackley
Clerical Services Supervisor
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$10,603.97 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$10,603.97 |
$1,617.09 |
$12,221.06 |
Linda J Gentry
Committee Manager II
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$5,883.64 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$5,883.64 |
$0.00 |
$5,883.64 |
Nancy E Davis
Committee Secretary EE/ER
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$6,361.43 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$6,361.43 |
$0.00 |
$6,361.43 |
Donna Gayle Milton
Communication Surv Tech
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$39,651.20 |
$0.00 |
$743.70 |
$40,394.90 |
$6,982.17 |
$47,377.07 |
John J Brown
Communication Surv Tech
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$60,777.60 |
$284.90 |
$3,012.61 |
$64,075.11 |
$9,724.64 |
$73,799.75 |
Kevin E Gray
Communication Surv Tech
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$56,393.60 |
$0.00 |
$3,054.34 |
$59,447.94 |
$9,264.54 |
$68,712.48 |
Lynn C Drake
Communication Surv Tech
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$4,288.00 |
$214.40 |
$11,352.58 |
$15,854.98 |
$760.79 |
$16,615.77 |
Michael D Pickern
Communication Surv Tech
Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2020
$60,777.60 |
$701.28 |
$935.04 |
$62,413.92 |
$18,675.62 |
$81,089.54 |