2020 salaries for Sparks
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Name Job title Regular pay Overtime pay Other pay Total pay Total
Total pay &
Bauer, Pamela A Preschool Teacher
Sparks, 2020
$8,288.50 $7.00 $0.00 $8,295.50 $308.70 $8,604.20
Baxter, Brandon E Capital Projects Coordinator
Sparks, 2020
$89,137.60 $0.00 $4,200.00 $93,337.60 $62,966.34 $156,303.94
Beadell, Hunter S Recreation Leader Senior
Sparks, 2020
$4,492.95 $17.60 $0.00 $4,510.55 $150.66 $4,661.21
Beauford, Dustin R Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$67,836.79 $20,011.20 $20,666.70 $108,514.69 $61,180.74 $169,695.43
Becerra-Lopez, Yesenia Recreation Facility Coordinator
Sparks, 2020
$199.10 $0.00 $0.00 $199.10 $6.64 $205.74
Begbie, Robert A Retiree
Sparks, 2020
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,362.50 $25,362.50
Bellamy, Clinte L Deputy Police Chief
Sparks, 2020
$142,383.81 $33,208.28 $28,203.71 $203,795.80 $114,037.96 $317,833.76
Bellamy, Joanna M Property Evidence Supervisor
Sparks, 2020
$74,964.79 $130.27 $20,073.94 $95,169.00 $48,410.27 $143,579.27
Benter, Alexzandra K Recreation Leader
Sparks, 2020
$1,227.95 $0.00 $0.00 $1,227.95 $44.63 $1,272.58
Benton, Scott L Civil Service Commissioner
Sparks, 2020
$20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $0.75 $20.75
Beroza, Tommy L Lifeguard
Sparks, 2020
$1,204.45 $0.00 $0.00 $1,204.45 $40.24 $1,244.69
Berry, Darin L Fire Captain
Sparks, 2020
$97,819.68 $27,890.43 $12,062.68 $137,772.79 $81,177.27 $218,950.06
Berumen, Adrian Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$68,493.70 $26,089.86 $22,111.62 $116,695.18 $54,884.09 $171,579.27
Bibolet, Ann Marie M Wastewater Plant Operator II
Sparks, 2020
$61,964.69 $6,502.49 $4,012.59 $72,479.77 $37,750.82 $110,230.59
Bice, Willis A Park Ranger
Sparks, 2020
$9,484.44 $0.00 $0.00 $9,484.44 $350.46 $9,834.90
Bidart, Robert R Civil Engineer Senior
Sparks, 2020
$115,544.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $116,744.00 $58,965.72 $175,709.72
Biggs, Brandon D Sports Facility Maintenance
Sparks, 2020
$10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.00 $0.34 $10.34
Biggs, Donald R Sports Official
Sparks, 2020
$19.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19.00 $0.64 $19.64
Bigham, Jeffrey W Control Systems Programmer
Sparks, 2020
$77,784.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $78,984.00 $35,096.45 $114,080.45
Blaco, David D Sparks Planning Commission
Sparks, 2020
$2,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,160.00 $79.07 $2,239.07
Boatman, Daniel H Parks Maintenance Worker II
Sparks, 2020
$51,118.41 $98.73 $898.84 $52,115.98 $30,261.27 $82,377.25
Boggan, Cynthia A Executive Administrative Assistant
Sparks, 2020
$83,782.44 $225.31 $3,000.00 $87,007.75 $47,058.81 $134,066.56
Bond, Casey A Crew Supervisor
Sparks, 2020
$85,438.78 $14,797.87 $20,770.27 $121,006.92 $61,069.51 $182,076.43
Bond, Kaylen V Recreation Leader
Sparks, 2020
$1,747.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1,747.50 $58.37 $1,805.87
Borne, Jennifer H Police Office Assistant
Sparks, 2020
$47,643.60 $54.15 $3,493.87 $51,191.62 $32,084.56 $83,276.18
Boston, Juston R Utilities Maintenance Worker II
Sparks, 2020
$49,102.42 $903.10 $527.19 $50,532.71 $26,499.00 $77,031.71
Brant, David T Treatment Plant Operations Manager
Sparks, 2020
$113,732.80 $0.00 $4,442.63 $118,175.43 $60,760.12 $178,935.55
Brantner, Cynthia M Recreation Specialist II
Sparks, 2020
$63,225.60 $340.39 $3,000.00 $66,565.99 $48,766.52 $115,332.51
Breese, Richard L Crew Supervisor
Sparks, 2020
$84,536.13 $11,135.24 $9,592.52 $105,263.89 $49,316.82 $154,580.71
Bresee, David R Streets Maintenance Worker Lead
Sparks, 2020
$58,264.01 $7,002.75 $2,211.84 $67,478.60 $42,658.16 $110,136.76
Bright, Savannah R Preschool Teacher
Sparks, 2020
$45.90 $0.00 $0.00 $45.90 $1.54 $47.44
Broce, Christopher S Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$70,573.73 $6,291.19 $13,260.47 $90,125.39 $66,057.77 $156,183.16
Brookes, Richard W Retiree
Sparks, 2020
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,362.50 $25,362.50
Brouwers, Cody A Utilities Maintenance Worker II
Sparks, 2020
$53,961.62 $3,347.22 $532.56 $57,841.40 $40,176.83 $98,018.23
Brown, Benjamin Firefighter Paramedic
Sparks, 2020
$71,889.44 $4,466.48 $4,686.96 $81,042.88 $59,709.15 $140,752.03
Brown, Britt F Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$64,346.38 $47,121.64 $19,452.76 $130,920.78 $51,884.04 $182,804.82
Brown, David E Emergency Communications Supervisor
Sparks, 2020
$73,028.92 $8,438.21 $10,080.99 $91,548.12 $53,574.50 $145,122.62
Brown, Garrett R Firefighter Paramedic
Sparks, 2020
$81,996.32 $10,444.38 $8,551.11 $100,991.81 $60,785.73 $161,777.54
Brown, Linda O Property Evidence Technician
Sparks, 2020
$34,798.51 $711.22 $7,134.62 $42,644.35 $34,306.52 $76,950.87
Brown, Richard C Information Technology Manager
Sparks, 2020
$120,944.00 $0.00 $3,900.00 $124,844.00 $54,293.02 $179,137.02
Brunner, Andreas Parks Maintenance Worker II
Sparks, 2020
$52,125.60 $3,880.74 $7,649.96 $63,656.30 $40,841.49 $104,497.79
Brussatoi, Jazlyn J Laborer
Sparks, 2020
$31,614.41 $46.15 $720.12 $32,380.68 $17,347.91 $49,728.59
Buck, Jillian M Recreation Leader Senior
Sparks, 2020
$7,686.87 $0.00 $0.00 $7,686.87 $4,087.28 $11,774.15
Buckles, Lisa R Emergency Communications Dispatcher
Sparks, 2020
$67,267.27 $4,889.54 $8,003.69 $80,160.50 $34,917.82 $115,078.32
Buck, Stephanie K Emergency Communications Dispatcher
Sparks, 2020
$64,199.47 $15,334.24 $8,375.71 $87,909.42 $33,333.35 $121,242.77
Burge, M Francine Special Events Supervisor
Sparks, 2020
$89,137.60 $0.00 $3,900.00 $93,037.60 $47,585.36 $140,622.96
Burkhart, Shelley L Emergency Communications Dispatcher
Sparks, 2020
$64,199.44 $13,152.86 $11,611.98 $88,964.28 $35,081.43 $124,045.71
Burns, Charles S Utilities Maintenance Worker II
Sparks, 2020
$52,325.61 $429.21 $5,096.31 $57,851.13 $34,167.64 $92,018.77
Butler, Dustin D Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$75,691.32 $20,898.71 $18,830.31 $115,420.34 $70,748.45 $186,168.79
Button, David P Police Officer
Sparks, 2020
$68,064.89 $21,111.67 $19,735.35 $108,911.91 $54,732.78 $163,644.69