Job title summary for Douglas County Lake Tahoe Sewer Authority

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Authority Manager 1 $183,900.78 $0.00 $10,783.20 $194,683.98 $82,822.22 $277,506.20
Controller 1 $145,413.60 $0.00 $14,901.51 $160,315.11 $53,646.14 $213,961.25
Superintendent/Ops & Maint. 1 $122,428.07 $0.00 $3,625.40 $126,053.47 $60,666.68 $186,720.15
Instrumentation Specialist 1 $92,529.18 $0.00 $3,599.96 $96,129.14 $44,433.21 $140,562.35
Maintenance Mechanic 1 $91,994.81 $7,645.37 $9,124.11 $108,764.29 $47,659.83 $156,424.12
Operator III 1 $75,271.61 $3,901.15 $7,826.94 $86,999.70 $36,203.82 $123,203.52
Operator II 3 $72,065.01 $338.18 $11,078.41 $83,481.60 $49,099.52 $132,581.12
Accountant 1 $71,593.60 $697.02 $0.00 $72,290.62 $52,851.78 $125,142.40
Maintenance Tech. 2 $48,159.60 $5,338.44 $4,434.12 $57,932.16 $28,043.54 $85,975.70

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.