Job title summary for Mariposa Academy of Language and Learning

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Teacher's Assistant / Teacher 1 $43,419.86 $7,014.60 $2,000.00 $52,434.46 $4,763.68 $57,198.14
Teacher 9 $48,463.78 $6,079.93 $444.44 $54,988.15 $2,471.30 $57,459.45
Kitchen Mgr 1 $31,793.65 $8,999.40 $0.00 $40,793.05 $2,391.87 $43,184.92
Director 1 $106,545.89 $6,709.32 $0.00 $113,255.21 $1,648.99 $114,904.20
Custodian 1 $42,315.46 $13,812.60 $0.00 $56,128.06 $666.98 $56,795.04
Administrative Asst. 1 $49,449.93 $7,718.64 $2,000.00 $59,168.57 $1,773.03 $60,941.60

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.