Job title summary for Overton Power District #5

Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
General Manager 1 $205,649.96 Not provided $350.00 $205,999.96 $81,274.60 $287,274.56
Manager of Operations 1 $125,202.48 Not provided $4,381.14 $129,583.62 $57,728.96 $187,312.58
Area Foreman 2 $110,238.52 $4,452.90 $6,826.54 $121,517.96 $55,237.78 $176,755.74
Manager of Engineering 1 $118,048.58 Not provided $2,131.61 $120,180.19 $54,756.36 $174,936.55
Manager of Finance 1 $116,981.68 Not provided $1,555.87 $118,537.55 $55,599.17 $174,136.72
Manager of SCADA & Operations 1 $115,817.26 Not provided $2,624.94 $118,442.20 $55,011.52 $173,453.72
Line Foreman 1 $102,167.12 $4,428.60 $13,166.80 $119,762.52 $53,020.28 $172,782.80
Manager of Administration 1 $114,767.38 Not provided $350.00 $115,117.38 $55,071.52 $170,188.90
Lineman 5 $99,085.63 $3,154.44 $8,703.09 $110,943.15 $50,078.42 $161,021.58
IT Administrator Supervisor 1 $95,255.68 $781.77 $10,243.81 $106,281.26 $51,473.17 $157,754.43
Lead Substation Journeyman 1 $97,361.10 $2,153.57 $6,046.54 $105,561.21 $51,387.70 $156,948.91
Engineering Supervisor 2 $104,375.32 Not provided $1,124.10 $105,499.42 $51,316.92 $156,816.33
Substation Journeyman 2 $88,774.36 $1,479.75 $6,935.48 $97,189.60 $48,765.70 $145,955.29
CAD Technician 1 $91,553.76 $524.88 $847.32 $92,925.96 $48,072.52 $140,998.48
Billing Supervisor 1 $90,088.52 $747.60 $350.00 $91,186.12 $46,742.44 $137,928.56
Staking Engineer 1 $89,741.60 Not provided $350.00 $90,091.60 $47,131.02 $137,222.62
Journeyman Meterman 2 $82,005.13 $116.98 $4,970.71 $87,092.82 $46,588.52 $133,681.34
Purchasing Agent 1 $83,698.94 $3,079.44 $350.00 $87,128.38 $45,436.40 $132,564.78
Meter Supervisor 1 $87,809.02 $378.48 $5,711.80 $93,899.30 $37,091.76 $130,991.06
Human Resources 1 $78,538.36 $751.95 $2,221.90 $81,512.21 $43,900.72 $125,412.93
Purchasing/Warehouseman 1 $84,023.42 Not provided $350.00 $84,373.42 $40,106.56 $124,479.98
Inspector 1 $75,512.86 $3,694.12 $1,360.74 $80,567.72 $43,233.84 $123,801.56
Mechanic 1 $74,601.28 $1,286.66 $350.00 $76,237.94 $43,159.62 $119,397.56
Lead Accounting Clerk 1 $75,518.04 $261.90 $350.00 $76,129.94 $42,619.72 $118,749.66
IT Administrator 1 $66,477.69 $3,595.52 $6,303.37 $76,376.58 $42,333.77 $118,710.35
Executive Assistant 1 $74,089.30 $795.15 $1,326.75 $76,211.20 $42,206.72 $118,417.92
Control Center Operator 1 $72,650.78 Not provided $350.00 $73,000.78 $42,605.57 $115,606.35
Engineering Technician 1 $72,367.86 $183.88 $350.00 $72,901.74 $42,377.96 $115,279.70
Apprentice Lineman 4 $63,817.33 $4,557.28 $3,854.54 $72,229.16 $40,900.84 $113,129.99
Lead Billing Clerk 1 $68,839.94 Not provided $350.00 $69,189.94 $41,238.52 $110,428.46
Customer Service Supervisor 1 $64,468.61 $770.07 $889.58 $66,128.26 $40,099.33 $106,227.59
Accounts Payable 1 $70,432.18 Not provided $350.00 $70,782.18 $30,042.84 $100,825.02
GIS Specialist 1 $65,307.37 Not provided $350.00 $65,657.37 $28,735.50 $94,392.87
Public Affairs Specialist 1 $47,190.78 $304.25 $15,097.55 $62,592.58 $25,291.52 $87,884.10
Customer Service 5 $51,902.25 Not provided $1,119.01 $53,021.25 $30,873.78 $83,895.03
Engineer Technician 1 $51,719.65 Not provided $350.00 $52,069.65 $31,212.40 $83,282.05
Work Order Clerk 1 $43,750.53 $428.35 $350.00 $44,528.88 $33,977.26 $78,506.14
Substation Tech 1 $47,071.22 $928.62 $1,721.38 $49,721.22 $28,359.26 $78,080.48
Groundman 1 $35,803.82 $1,202.69 $538.78 $37,545.29 $24,655.67 $62,200.96

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.