Job title summary for Washoe County

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1 $180,918.40 $0.00 $25,337.24 $206,255.64 $74,193.00 $280,448.64
SERGEANT 48 $104,007.99 $24,500.96 $26,499.05 $155,008.00 $71,432.76 $226,440.76
CHIEF INVESTIGATOR - DA ( 1 $125,409.20 $4,454.40 $27,110.06 $156,973.66 $74,918.05 $231,891.71
LIEUTENANT 16 $129,295.77 $15,085.63 $29,698.44 $174,079.84 $86,105.42 $260,185.26
JUDGE (INCLINE) 1 $149,760.00 $0.00 $30,202.39 $179,962.39 $73,715.22 $253,677.61
CAPTAIN 6 $151,828.75 $7,902.85 $31,510.80 $191,242.40 $94,132.84 $285,375.25
JUDGE (RENO/SPARKS) E-1 3 $174,123.20 $0.00 $32,806.19 $206,929.39 $73,100.22 $280,029.61
UNDERSHERIFF 1 $206,246.60 $0.00 $33,178.10 $239,424.70 $119,683.58 $359,108.28
SHERIFF 1 $145,579.20 $0.00 $42,586.40 $188,165.60 $18,771.41 $206,937.01
CHIEF DEPUTY SHERIFF 3 $176,669.27 $1,342.94 $46,979.02 $224,991.22 $108,880.90 $333,872.12
JUDGE (RENO) E-2 5 $181,867.20 $0.00 $48,167.82 $230,035.02 $62,448.81 $292,483.84

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.