Job title | Count | Avg Regular pay | Avg Overtime pay | Avg Other pay | Avg Total pay | Avg Benefits | Avg Total pay & benefits |
Grants & Projects Analyst 2 | 27 | $52,829.92 | $505.68 | $456.42 | $53,792.03 | $18,770.80 | $72,562.83 |
Electronics Technician 3 | 6 | $49,902.29 | $589.44 | $463.06 | $50,954.78 | $21,984.06 | $72,938.84 |
Traffic Center Tech Trainee | 1 | $31,389.58 | $665.75 | $468.56 | $32,523.89 | $22,256.66 | $54,780.55 |
Institutional Chaplain | 7 | $52,386.45 | $377.05 | $468.73 | $53,232.24 | $19,337.09 | $72,569.33 |
Custodial Worker 2 | 34 | $34,067.68 | $752.59 | $475.63 | $35,295.90 | $13,950.33 | $49,246.23 |
Fleet Service Worker 3 | 15 | $37,336.47 | $1,123.66 | $477.14 | $38,937.27 | $22,945.23 | $61,882.50 |
Weights & Measures Inspector 4 | 2 | $53,390.51 | $0.00 | $478.00 | $53,868.51 | $21,312.06 | $75,180.57 |
Health Bureau Chief | 5 | $81,015.39 | $2,443.81 | $479.95 | $83,939.15 | $25,417.66 | $109,356.82 |
Military Security Officer 3 | 2 | $51,214.18 | $248.40 | $481.44 | $51,944.02 | $20,199.06 | $72,143.08 |
Radiation Control Manager | 1 | $87,175.84 | $10,982.94 | $485.12 | $98,643.90 | $24,414.21 | $123,058.11 |
Mental Health Counselor 2 | 95 | $56,272.28 | $458.28 | $486.45 | $57,217.00 | $18,968.87 | $76,185.87 |
Activities Therapy Tech 2 | 9 | $41,085.89 | $1,571.30 | $486.56 | $43,143.76 | $16,685.93 | $59,829.69 |
Hwy Maintenance Worker 3 | 204 | $40,201.22 | $2,281.39 | $493.21 | $42,975.82 | $27,222.34 | $70,198.16 |
Public Safety Dispatcher 5 | 2 | $61,771.33 | $7,491.22 | $495.83 | $69,758.38 | $23,078.74 | $92,837.12 |
Landscape Architect | 4 | $68,464.74 | $1,894.16 | $496.48 | $70,855.38 | $32,929.29 | $103,784.67 |
Engineering Technician 4 | 65 | $49,367.12 | $3,188.35 | $497.54 | $53,053.01 | $33,054.62 | $86,107.63 |
Health Info Director | 5 | $53,517.52 | $0.00 | $499.63 | $54,017.15 | $20,529.85 | $74,546.99 |
Parole/Probation Specialist 3 | 57 | $48,081.39 | $2,204.06 | $500.56 | $50,786.01 | $19,763.80 | $70,549.81 |
Dep Director, Industrial Pgms | 1 | $120,252.48 | $0.00 | $507.00 | $120,759.48 | $37,978.06 | $158,737.54 |
Conservation Educator 1 | 1 | $37,652.31 | $0.00 | $511.99 | $38,164.30 | $14,769.78 | $52,934.08 |
Health Care Coordinator 2 | 37 | $53,371.42 | $0.00 | $514.02 | $53,885.45 | $19,752.77 | $73,638.22 |
Chief, Nevada Highway Patrol | 1 | $105,645.36 | $0.00 | $515.58 | $106,160.94 | $55,257.92 | $161,418.86 |
Maintenance Repair Worker 2 | 6 | $35,114.42 | $256.36 | $516.00 | $35,886.78 | $16,895.76 | $52,782.55 |
Accountant Technician 1 | 37 | $39,649.17 | $182.20 | $517.35 | $40,348.72 | $17,205.19 | $57,553.91 |
Insurance Actuarial Analyst 3 | 2 | $79,263.72 | $0.00 | $519.84 | $79,783.56 | $22,249.62 | $102,033.18 |
Div Admnr, Capitol Police | 1 | $88,760.56 | $0.00 | $522.32 | $89,282.88 | $35,367.61 | $124,650.49 |
Clinical Program Manager 1 | 26 | $69,177.00 | $2,672.76 | $522.52 | $72,372.28 | $22,677.82 | $95,050.11 |
Supply Assistant | 2 | $36,900.88 | $0.00 | $523.45 | $37,424.33 | $17,112.75 | $54,537.08 |
Quality Control Specialist 1 | 38 | $48,817.18 | $1,072.67 | $524.62 | $50,414.47 | $18,871.56 | $69,286.03 |
Safety Rep, Consultation | 1 | $48,131.52 | $2,778.09 | $525.00 | $51,434.61 | $22,905.86 | $74,340.47 |
Firefighter 2 | 1 | $40,632.38 | $14,802.16 | $532.69 | $55,967.23 | $26,749.83 | $82,717.06 |
Master It Professional 2 | 5 | $90,897.03 | $4,566.06 | $532.84 | $95,995.92 | $38,823.42 | $134,819.34 |
Social Services Program Spec 1 | 6 | $47,486.12 | $109.74 | $536.80 | $48,132.67 | $20,583.24 | $68,715.92 |
Activities Therapy Tech 1 | 2 | $32,126.20 | $890.88 | $536.82 | $33,553.90 | $13,844.82 | $47,398.72 |
Wildlife Staff Specialist | 18 | $70,217.14 | $16.68 | $548.52 | $70,782.34 | $22,293.56 | $93,075.90 |
Welder 2 | 10 | $49,518.55 | $140.14 | $551.43 | $50,210.12 | $27,383.47 | $77,593.60 |
Ag Criminal Investigator 2 | 31 | $62,154.06 | $34.02 | $553.16 | $62,741.23 | $25,244.84 | $87,986.07 |
Correctional Sub Abuse Pgm Dir | 1 | $59,426.32 | $0.00 | $555.68 | $59,982.00 | $18,604.63 | $78,586.63 |
Psychologist 4 | 2 | $92,226.36 | $0.00 | $557.55 | $92,783.91 | $36,540.74 | $129,324.64 |
Program Officer 2 | 37 | $48,822.81 | $750.27 | $560.86 | $50,133.93 | $20,025.09 | $70,159.03 |
Water System Operator 2 | 3 | $51,670.84 | $2,931.38 | $561.91 | $55,164.13 | $24,511.08 | $79,675.21 |
It Professional 4 | 107 | $76,719.20 | $1,523.64 | $563.69 | $78,806.53 | $29,503.87 | $108,310.40 |
Telecommunications Coord 2 | 5 | $71,483.07 | $151.39 | $564.15 | $72,198.62 | $26,733.29 | $98,931.91 |
Div Administrator, Real Estate | 1 | $99,848.08 | $0.00 | $567.00 | $100,415.08 | $25,940.83 | $126,355.91 |
Economist 3 | 8 | $64,832.13 | $0.00 | $572.63 | $65,404.77 | $21,559.21 | $86,963.98 |
Substance Abuse Counselor 3 | 2 | $46,401.96 | $0.00 | $573.75 | $46,975.71 | $16,284.30 | $63,260.02 |
Electrician 1 | 5 | $45,536.62 | $302.39 | $582.13 | $46,421.14 | $27,232.45 | $73,653.59 |
Fish Hatchery Supervisor 2 | 2 | $44,530.04 | $172.04 | $583.12 | $45,285.20 | $14,911.05 | $60,196.25 |
Staff Attorney (Ea) | 23 | $84,796.59 | $0.00 | $588.41 | $85,385.00 | $24,220.14 | $109,605.14 |
Technical Staff Manager | 1 | $58,914.88 | $0.00 | $590.20 | $59,505.08 | $11,491.47 | $70,996.55 |
Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.