Job title summary for Storey County

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Job title Count Avg Regular pay Avg Overtime pay Avg Other pay Avg Total pay Avg Benefits Avg Total pay &
Wildland Fuels Management Officer 1 $104,370.38 $12,770.05 $3,711.17 $120,851.60 $48,050.35 $168,901.95
Communication Specialist Lead Senior 1 $103,154.24 $14,176.39 $1,606.45 $118,937.08 $49,225.60 $168,162.68
Legal Secretary - Lead Senior 1 $82,435.31 $0.00 $0.00 $82,435.31 $49,829.33 $132,264.64
Justice of Peace 1 $94,031.93 $0.00 $13,601.45 $107,633.38 $51,353.84 $158,987.22
Information Technology Officer 1 $101,653.94 $0.00 $539.34 $102,193.28 $51,979.68 $154,172.96
Public Works Director 1 $123,748.25 $0.00 $0.00 $123,748.25 $52,950.99 $176,699.24
County Manager-Pay Schedule 1 $149,158.57 $0.00 $0.00 $149,158.57 $54,790.79 $203,949.36
Dispatch Manager 1 $83,746.18 $0.00 $0.00 $83,746.18 $55,072.42 $138,818.60
Fire Captain-NEW 7 $137,491.43 $32,192.10 $1,616.49 $171,300.01 $55,210.89 $226,510.90
Sergeant 5 $91,947.14 $8,263.28 $2,952.07 $103,162.49 $56,777.71 $159,940.19
Chief Deputy Sheriff 1 $108,328.27 $0.00 $0.00 $108,328.27 $57,528.47 $165,856.74
chief Deputy Distrit Attorney 1 $136,696.35 $0.00 $0.00 $136,696.35 $58,852.75 $195,549.10
District Attorney 1 $138,541.10 $0.00 $15,863.22 $154,404.32 $64,595.42 $218,999.74
Comptroller 1 $133,081.92 $0.00 $0.00 $133,081.92 $64,836.95 $197,918.87
Information Technology Director 1 $120,285.25 $0.00 $0.00 $120,285.25 $66,434.99 $186,720.24
Fire Battalian Chief 3 $169,509.22 $39,252.51 $2,071.51 $210,833.24 $68,452.50 $279,285.74
Fire Chief 1 $166,051.62 $0.00 $4,633.72 $170,685.34 $71,103.12 $241,788.46
Sheriff 1 $116,324.52 $0.00 $19,387.42 $135,711.94 $83,386.82 $219,098.76

Note: The averages are designed to capture only those who have worked a full year, and excludes those who worked on a part-time, seasonal, or partial-year basis.